Frequently asked questions
We know that modelling kits or train dioramas can be tricky and overwhelming for the newbies to the hobby, so hopefully these FAQs below will help put you at ease and answer any questions!
We know that modelling kits or train dioramas can be tricky and overwhelming for the newbies to the hobby, so hopefully these FAQs below will help put you at ease and answer any questions!
You cannot mix enamel and acrylics together as enamel are oil-based, whereas acrylics are water-based. You can mix enamels together and acrylics together but not with each other. You can cross-brand paints as long as they are both either enamel or acrylic.
It is entirely the users preference as to what brands paint they want to use, however big name brands like Airfix, Revell and Tamiya have their own paints and glues for their respective models. Some are sold as part of gift sets (paints and glue included with the model), but are also sold separately.
It is best to start off with a kit that matches your interest, luckily there are many themes such as cars, planes (both commercial and military), tanks, bikes, buses and more. Most if not all plastic kits display a difficulty level from 1-5. Additionally, Airfix do a range known as Quickbuild, which involves no glue or paint, its essentially LEGO. Once you have completed your first kit, it is advisable to work your way up the difficulty levels, and ensuring you have the right equipment to make the model.
Although we cannot guarantee purchase of a collection, we are more than happy to valuate collections and refer the seller to more appropriate retailers. These collections include anything from matchbox, dinky, diecast, LEGO and more alike.
Please use this glossary below to differentiate the uses of cements and other liquids used in painting:
Balsa Cement: An adhesive used for making kits made from balsa wood, cardboard, leather etc.
Clearfix: A solvent-based polymer solution for use as an adhesive on clear plastic parts without the risk of the ‘frosting’.
Cote: The many variations of cote are used in the preparation and/or finishing of a model.
Decalfix: A water-based solution used for softening decals/livery and securing them into place on the model.
Maskol: A rubber solution that once applied to a surface, prevents that surface from being painted, it can be peeled off once the paint dries
Poly Cement: Poly cement is the standard glue to use for gluing plastic models together such as Airfix, Revell, Tamiya etc.
Thinners: A solution that dissolves paint, and useful for cleaning brushes or other painting tools, there are different types of thinners designed for use with acrylic and enamel paints.
There are more gauge/scale sizes than your typical OO and HO gauges, such as:
N Gauge: Also known as 1:148 scale, these are smaller than the more common OO gauge types. There is however a USA variant of N gauge, which is slightly smaller at 1:160.
G Gauge: where the ‘G’ stands for garden, these scales are mostly seen at model village attractions, such as local Bekonscot Model Village, they’re scale conversions are usually at 1:22.5
Z Gauge: The smallest commercially available gauge, which converts to 1/220 scale.
TT120: Found in between the sizes of HO and N gauge, TT120 has a scale of 1:120. Originally made in the USA in the 40s, its purpose was to make a layout small enough to be operated on a tabletop.
The only gauges that are compatible with each other are OO and HO gauge, others like N, Z, G etc do not work with any other gauge size, this is the main reason why OO and HO are the most popular gauges
Most of our suppliers have a minimum basket total, meaning we cannot do special single item orders unless it is from eBay. when we do process a basket however, it usually takes between 3-5 business days, an exception to this is if your enquiry product appears with our local wholesaler, in this case we can get it in within approx. 2 days.
Some R/C products come with the controller in the box, however they don’t typically include batteries. Other R/C products don’t come with controllers, but in a separate box. We will only sell one of these with inclusion of the other, as they can be hard to source. In terms of batteries, we do not sell any size, however there are many other shops such as Poundland near us who do.
Our commissions team is capable of performing a variety of customisations to your models, such as re-painting, adding personalised license plates, and also making a stand/display for the model. We have a commissions page which fully explains pricing, capabilities and extent of our services.
Every pound a customer spends = one point, when users reach 100 points, they can redeem a £5 discount as part of their next purchase. Users can also keep building their points, however they cannot redeem £10 off for 200 points, or £15 for 300 etc. We have a page outlining the T+Cs for the scheme, as well as a QR code to join the scheme. For our elderly customers or those who do not use the internet, we can also control their account in-store upon every purchase/redeem.
Our refund is as follows:
If you are not fussed about the decrease in value of the model(s) once taken out of the box, then you can simply display them in either a display case of the same scale as the model, or use a larger glass cabinet to display multiple models.
If you want to keep them in their boxes, make sure that you stack them in an effective way to avoid crushing, additionally, make sure they are kept in a cool and dry place, whilst avoiding direct sunlight, as prolong exposure can lead to the colours of the box to fade.
You should aim to clean your boxes regularly, as no matter how you store your models/boxes, they will collect dust. We recommend a soft-bristled brush to sweep any dust off your models, with minimum pressure on the box to prevent warps/dents. Be careful when using detergents too, as older boxes can react with the detergent.
There are many local clubs we try to help promote, the majority of towns in Buckinghamshire/Berkshire have their own modelling clubs. Our commissions manager Kevin is actually part of the committee for the Maidenhead Static Modelling Club, and regularly attends toy fairs to promote our stock and also help other private sellers. If you would like more information on the Maidenhead Static Model Club, please click here.
Assuming that you bought the model from us, give us a call (# found at bottom of page) or bring it in and explain/show the model to us, if the kit/set is in stock on the brands website, we will arrange an exchange or a replacement part delivery. If the model/set you bought was retired at POS, or has retired since the POS, we cannot guarantee an exchange, however the brand we will contact can use a lookalike replacement from another model. This process is easiest with LEGO due to the wide range of sets a specific part is used in.
When you enquire about the availability of a model, we will ask if you have a preference for colour, size, or year of the car, as well as your budget. If you do not have a preference, we can usually find a model, especially if its a common make. However if you are looking fir preferences, such as your own car, these can be difficult to find as they may not even exist on the market, or they are retired and are only available via eBay. There is a chance we can get a specific model in, but we can not guarantee it.
Errors & Omissions Expected.
All information correct as of publication date (11/08/2024)